This report shall also provide the information listed in Article 3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. 该报告还应提供《进口许可程序协定》第3条中所列信息。
After China entered the WTO, the Chinese Import Licensing System should conform to WTO rules, including Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, both substantially and procedurally. 入世后,我国的进口许可制度从实体到程序都应当符合WTO规则的要求,包括与《进口许可程序协议》的对接。
Secondly, focus on one of the flex provisions about public health-related-Compulsory Licensing System, clarify the meaning of its existence as well as the possible problems, and introduce the norms of the TRIPS Agreement on compulsory licensing system. 其次,重点研究与公共健康有关的灵活性规定之一&强制许可制度,阐明其存在的意义及可能产生的问题,介绍以TRIPS协定为主的关于强制许可制度的国际法规范。